ASEAN-related Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management


ASEAN Disaster Ministers' Meeting and related meetings

Nay Pyi Daw, 14 October
The ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management and related meetings was held from 8 to 14 October. Union Minister for Relief and Resettlement Dr Thet Thet Khaing; Deputy Minister U Aung Tun Khaing and officials attended.
The morning program of the ASEAN Day was entitled "Cooperation and Innovation in ASEAN Regional Disaster Management". After that, ASEAN and partner countries; The 10th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Japan and UN agencies such as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA); United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP); Officials from the United Nations Women (UN Women) attended.

Then, the 9th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management was held. Dr Thet Thet Khaing, Union Minister for Relief and Resettlement, said Myanmar was a high-risk country in the ASEAN region and was focusing on disaster management. The National Disaster Management Committee is being formed and implemented by the Deputy Chairman of the State Management Council and the Deputy Prime Minister. He said ASEAN was always ready to work closely with its member states to ensure that no one was left behind by cooperating in disaster management.
Afterwards, the ASEAN Secretary-General briefed the ASEAN member states on the progress of humanitarian assistance to Myanmar.
In response, the Union Minister said that Kovis-19 anti-retroviral drugs and medicines sent by the Myanmar Red Cross Society were being distributed to the needy areas. The ASEAN Secretariat, We will cooperate closely with AHA Center. Our country is continuously carrying out humanitarian assistance and social protection work that cannot be stopped for any reason. International humanitarian assistance policies to be based on; To ensure that no one is harmed by the assistance; Make sure no one is left out. Special emphasis is placed on better rehabilitation; Race Religion We are working to support all those in need, regardless of their beliefs. International assistance, including from ASEAN, is based on mutual respect and trust in line with Myanmar's existing humanitarian principles. He expressed his hope that they would cooperate with each other in a transparent manner.
Then, the 9th Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management was adjourned.
In the afternoon, ASEAN Disaster Management Ministers will meet with Chinese, Chinese and Chinese officials. Japan-ASEAN disaster management plans; Joint Statements on Natural Disaster Management Discussed and approved by sector.

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