Fighting erupts between Terrorist Military Council and Chin forces


Fighting erupts between Terrorist Military Council and Chin forces

Yangon, October 13

Chin National Front (CNA); Fighting broke out again between the Chin Defense Forces (CDF) and the Terrorist Military Council on the Falam-Hakha road this afternoon.

Due to the shootings on both sides, Falam Township, Falam Township, Falam Township. Thlanrawn; Taal People in Tlangzar villages are fleeing, according to local sources.

The CNO / CNDF said:

A military convoy of two armored vehicles of the Terrorist War Council entered Kale-Falam-Hakha-Matupi-Mindat Road and 54 armored vehicles of two armored vehicles from Kyauktaw-Mindat Road left for Mindat at 9 am today.

Terrorist Military Council The operation was named 'Anawrahta' operation by the Special Operations Command (Squadron Commander) of the Northwest Command to fight the rebel forces in Magway and Chin states.

According to a source close to the military council community, the Anawrahta operation will be led by Lieutenant General Tay Za Kyaw (1) and Lieutenant General Than Hlaing (6).

Fighting has intensified in recent months on the Matupi-Mindat road in the vicinity of Mindat town in Chin State, with heavy casualties, including a major officer from the Terrorist Military Council, which has been controlled by Chin forces.

The Terrorist Military Council is based in Magwe Ein Nu, Chin State. Lumgle၊ Frontline camps such as Wan Thu were left out, and the cities of Falam, Thangtalan၊ Hakha It's different. He has been stationed in cities such as Min Tat.

Similarly, the Terrorist Military Council is trying to regain control of the Matupi-Mindat road. On the night of October 12, the military council said, Do not throw us away. If you do not shoot, we will not do anything to you. If you do not shoot first, the villages will not be harmed. The road will be cleared for convenience, ”said a Matupi resident.

Photo: Terrorist military convoy leaving Falam for Hakha this morning.

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