56 people were arrested in Panset, Taungphyu, Ywatha, Kyaukche Tat and Kone Yin villages.


Eight killed while treating injured PDFs 

There are 48 people left. 

These villages are connected to Minkin Township. 

As they are fellow citizens, they will only be punished by law

Flowers, white mountains, nothing. In the absence of Taung Naing Aung, more than 50 PDFs were seized from the villages.

 pdf 56 people; He was arrested with injuries and eight people died while receiving medical treatment. It is said that 48 people in Kalemyo will be dealt with according to the law.

The captured PDFs are from Pansat, Taungphyu, Ywatha, Kyaukcheet, It is reported that some villages are connected to Minkin Township
