ASEAN protests Chinese incitement to attend Burmese summit


Many Asean members, shocked by the crisis and democratic repression in Burma, have sought to pressure its generals by excluding them from ASEAN meetings.

Chinese diplomats have urged Southeast Asian nations to allow the Burmese military leader to attend a regional summit to be hosted by the Chinese president next week, but met with fierce opposition, diplomatic sources said on Thursday.

The military overthrew Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi after the military overthrew the elected government on February 1, highlighting the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Many Asean members, shocked by the crisis and democratic repression in Burma, have sought to pressure its generals by removing them from ASEAN meetings .

In an unprecedented decision last month, Asean leaders barred Burma's military chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, from disobeying the ASEAN summit for failing to meet with the ousted Asean diplomat who was ousted in the coup.

Instead, Asean leaders have called for the participation of non-political figures in Burma. In the end, it does not represent Myanmar.

Indonesia Brunei Darussalam Malaysia and Singapore want to ban Senior General Min Aung Hlaing from the China-ASEAN summit on November 22, four regional diplomats and political sources said.

Malaysia Indonesia "Singapore and Brunei have agreed to maintain the same position as the ASEAN Summit," a government source in an Asean country declined to comment, citing a request for a non-political representative to represent Burma.

Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah confirmed his firm stance on non-political figures, referring to the "wisdom" displayed by the leaders ahead of the October summit.

"Indonesia is in line with the position of who should represent Burma at the next summit of leaders," Faizasyah said.

His foreign minister, Retno Marsudi, has said Indonesia should not be politically represented until it restores democracy, and Indonesia has been one of Asean's most vocal critics.

Malaysia's foreign ministry declined to comment. Singapore The foreign ministers of Brunei and Vietnam did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment, but its spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Tuesday that China would support all parties in Burma and work with the international community to resume stability, peace and democratization. .

The Burmese junta did not respond to a request for comment.

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Special Envoy for Asia Sun Guoxiang visited Singapore and Brunei last week, where a regional diplomat briefed on China's campaigning efforts, but said Min Aung Hlaing could not attend the summit.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing says China must accept ASEAN's position, which was held in Naypyidaw last week, in the face of Asean opposition.

He quoted regional diplomat Sun as saying that China would maintain the non-political representation of ASEAN.

ASEAN has been known for decades for its engagement and non-interference policies, but the coup in Burma has changed.

At a special leaders' summit attended by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in April, he stepped down from Asean and intervened in a five-point plan to pledge talks with an ASEAN diplomat, including MPs.

Burma has not complied, claiming it has its own "road map" for new elections.

Burma's junta chief could still attend summit

Myanmar is China's co-ordinator for ASEAN this year, which means it facilitates its interaction with the group.

"Normally, the negotiating team will install everything, such as virtual links," a source said. Even if other ASEAN countries object, Burma could use this role to plot Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.
