Four soldiers killed in clashes between army and PDF forces in Yebyu In Mong Ko, the military fired heavy artillery and attacked the MNDAA

#Photo: Members of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) (Kokang)

Yangon, January 28

Tanintharyi Division Dawei District Fighting broke out daily between Yae Phyu Township and the Dawei District People's Defense Force (MPF) from January 19 to 23, killing four people (confirmed) and leaving many unaccounted for, according to the Dawei District People's Defense Force.

Dawei People's Defense Forces bombed a terrorist group in Ye Ai village on January 19 at 7 am, hitting a military council vehicle and leaving no casualties. The statement said that from 9:20 am to 9:45 am, a comrade from the People's Defense Forces was wounded in the arm and wounded in the battle.

Fighting broke out between Kala Chaung village and Dawei People's Defense Forces in Kala Chaung village, Dawei District, from 7:10 am to 8:30 am on January 20, killing four members of the military council.

On 21 January, clashes broke out in Ha Myin Gyi village from 11:45 am to 12 noon, injuring two members of the Terrorist Military Council. In the evening, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) stormed a military council in Ha Myin Gyi village, injuring several military personnel, according to the Dawei District People's Defense Force.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) carried out a bomb attack on the convoy on January 22 and 23, injuring several members of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

Fighting between the Burmese National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA (Kokang) and the Burmese National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has been raging in Mupang and Mongkoe districts in Shan State Special Region 1, according to the MNDAA.

Terrorist forces attacked the Kokang MNDAA's Man Yan base in Mong Ko District on 28 and 27 January with heavy artillery fire.

At around 8 am on 27 January, the army clashed with the Kokang MNDAA for more than 40 minutes on the hill west of Lao Kya Kyaik, Special Region 1, Mong Ko District. The troops were reportedly attacked.
